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Digital marketing, Houston

Updated: Apr 12, 2022

As digital media usage time increases with 2 out of 3 digital media minutes on mobile*, I think we need to rethink Web-based marketing collateral. In other words, is a print-optimized pdf on a website product page ideal for a mobile device?

Some of these documents don’t even download. The ones that do are just too long to even attempt reading on a small screen. Isn’t this the right time to have a mobile-optimized pdf for each marketing collateral category, including product brochure, product flyer, case study, white paper, and technical brief?

A mobile-optimized pdf would be much fewer words than the print version, about 150 words. Maybe larger font. We’d be encouraging a sales prospect on a smartphone or tablet to care about what we’re marketing.

We’re spending a lot of time and money researching, writing, editing, designing, and publishing all of this information without much thought about how this information will be perceived if at all on mobile. Don’t we need a new marketing collateral standard for mobile? What do you think?

* The 2016 U.S. Cross-Platform Future in Focus

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